Get Fast, Secure Access to Birth and Death Information

The benefits of on-demand access to vital records with NAPHSIS

Instantly verify birth and death information for individuals using the Electronic Verification of Vital Events (EVVE) software by NAPHSIS

Real-time access to data
Deter identity theft and fraud
Improve customer service
Save time and money
Dashboard mockup

Participating Jurisdictions

Map of jurisdictions connected through Naphsis
Dashboard mockup

Who uses vital records on demand?

NAPHSIS helps keep personal identity information secure while providing access to vital records for organizations such as:

Federal Agencies

  • Social Security Administration
  • Office of Personnel Management
  • Department of Homeland Security – USCIS
  • Regional FBI Offices
  • Department of State – Passport Services
  • Fraud Prevention Offices and Diplomatic Security
  • Army National Guard

State and Local Agencies

  • Departments of Motor Vehicles
  • Medicaid Offices
  • Elections Offices

Discover Electronic Verification of Vital Events - Fact of Death

EVVE FOD is the innovative death matching system that harnesses the power of the nation's most precise death data. Our platform seamlessly taps into the death record databases of vital records offices, ensuring unmatched accuracy.

Swift Matches
Accurate Data
Dashboard mockup

Who uses EVVE FOD?

Organizations meeting specific criteria listed below the map can become credentialed users of EVVE Fact of Death. While these are the current categories, more may be added later.

Fully Participating Jurisdictions

Map of jurisdictions connected through Naphsis

See for yourself. Request a demo today.

Find out how NAPHSIS can help your organization save time and money.

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